金融工程研究中心学术报告:Duality Method for Multidimensional Nonsmooth Constrained Linear Convex Stochastic Control

Harry Zheng 教授, 英国帝国理工学院

报告时间202448日下午3: 30 - 4: 30



Abstract: We discuss a general multidimensional linear convex stochastic control problem with nondifferentiable objective function, control constraints, and random coefficients. We formulate an equivalent dual problem, prove the dual stochastic maximum principle and the relation of the optimal control, optimal state, and adjoint processes between primal and dual problems, and illustrate the usefulness of the dual approach with some examples. (Joint work with Engel J.C. Dela Vega)


报告人简介:Harry Zheng,英国帝国理工学院教授,从事随机控制、金融数学领域研究,在Operations Research; Mathematics of Operations Research; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Finance and Stochastics; Mathematical Finance; SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; Quantitative Finance等期刊发表数十篇论文。


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